Writing Skills Training

Effective writing skills help you communicate clearly and quickly in the workplace and reduce the time required for clarification or questions.
a woman on a laptop with an orange pekoe tea brewing looking like she's genuinely productive
A Guide To Writing Great Content

These days, employees in varying roles are often tasked with writing their department’s online content for both internal and external audiences.

A young entrepreneur working on his laptop in a modern office
Business Writing For Professionals With English As An Additional Language

Every language has its own set of rules and expectations about the ways to communicate in a business setting.

A wooden desk with office supplies and two binders marked Policies, and Procedure
Creating Policies And Procedures

Readers frequently turn to policy and procedure documents to understand the internal processes of an organization or department.

An A4 page with text highlighted and commented
Editing for Others

In workplaces today, most employees are required to write. And regardless of who they are and what they write, most of them want and need to write more effectively.

A page of text printed on the HP 5L marked up with red pen. The editors tool is on the page. A futiristic laptop is in the background.
Effective Written Communication (10-Week Online Program)

Written communication is essential in the workplace. Email alone accounts for a large percentage of our daily writing tasks.

A woman, who obviously knows what she is doing, typing an email which will be effective.
Email...Think Before You Hit Send

Email is the workhorse of communication within and between organizations.

angry hands that have crumpled multiple pages into snowballs.
POWER Writing

Language is our system for transporting ideas – for communicating our thoughts to others. But it’s only a means to an end, not an end in itself.

A pencil in the foreground and a stack of papers in the back, blurred
Report Writing At Its Best

Many people find report writing to be particularly challenging. They have too much information to include, and don’t know how to organize and present it.

a man surounded by latin characters working on his laptop
Solving The Grammar Dilemma

Mistakes in grammar and usage undermine the readability of a document. Readers can become so focused on the errors that they lose their concentration on the message.

with a cli console in the background, a couple individuals studying documents to create the right kind of tech document.
Tackling Those Technical Documents

Technical writing is a form of communication that conveys a particular piece of information to a particular audience for a particular purpose.

woman at a computer desk, writing on a notepad and looking at a laptop.
The Plain Language Approach To Writing

Plain language is an approach to writing that focuses on presenting information that is easy to read and understand.

Writing Briefing Notes That Inform
Create a document that is comprehensive, well-organized and easy to follow so readers can work through it effectively, without the need for clarification and without confusion.
An envelope with a red stamp in the corner
Writing Customer Service Letters

The ultimate "front line" of customer service is the letters customers receive—whether these letters are simply giving information or responding to questions or complaints.

writing effective proposals
Writing Effective Reports and Proposals

Does the writer’s knot in your stomach tighten when you’re asked to write a proposal or report?

standing in a library aisle, a happy woman is holding books.
Writing For Academic And Research Purposes

This virtual workshop will help you sharpen your reading, researching and writing skills to help you succeed in an academic and research setting.

A puzzle with a piece missing
Writing For Impact And Results

Here are some questions frequently asked by business writers who recognize the potential power behind their communication.

picture from above a wood desk, with monitor keyboard, mobile and hands typing
Writing For The Web

Do you want to create website content that speaks to your readers? Do you know how to make sure you are achieving the goals of your website?

Three hands up in the air, each holding a trophy
Writing Proposals That Win Business

When it comes to proposals, business is often won or lost based on the writer's ability to win the confidence of the reader.

a woman's hand on a piece of paper writing trasury bond documents
Writing Treasury Board Submissions

Writing treasury board and cabinet submissions can be seen as an overwhelming task by government personnel who are required to write them.