Presentation and Facilitation Skills Training

Effective presentation and facilitation skills help you and your teams solve problems and make good decisions by ensuring you are communicating the right information, in the right way.

Presentation and Facilitation Skills

Advanced Facilitation Skills

Do you know the key processes and techniques that make a great facilitator? Facilitating sessions can be rewarding and successful when you have the right tools.

Facilitation In A Virtual Environment

Meetings, presentations and learning events are more frequently being offered in virtual environments where it can be challenging to keep groups focused and on track.

Facilitation Skills

Do you know the key processes and techniques to be a great facilitator? Designing and facilitating training sessions can be rewarding when you have the right tools.

Leading Successful Meetings

Meetings are at the heart of virtually everything we do in business—they are an essential component of any work environment.

Leading Successful Presentations

Effective presentation skills give us the ability to convey facts and information in a clear, concise and engaging way.

Performance Development & Learning

When addressing individual and team performance, a typical approach is to identify training needs, develop or select a training program and other structured learning experiences, then evaluate at t

Session Design

Do you design workshops, facilitated sessions, meetings, consultations or educational marketing events? No matter what type of session it is, design is a key factor in its success.

Virtual Trainer Certificate Program

Right now, many of us are being tasked with moving our training to a web-based delivery format.

Writing Effective Minutes

When someone asks you to take minutes at a meeting, do you cringe and ask, "Why me?" Do you write furiously during a discussion and then scratch your head to make sense of what you wrote after the