A Guide To Writing Great Content
These days, employees in varying roles are often tasked with writing their department’s online content for both internal and external audiences.

Advanced Facilitation Skills
Do you know the key processes and techniques that make a great facilitator? Facilitating sessions can be rewarding and successful when you have the right tools.

Budgeting for Success
Workplace managers must be able to not only manager their department’s cash flow but they must also justify the expenditures.

Building a Cohesive Team
This workshop is based on Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book Five Dysfunctions of a Team and has a simple goal: to help participants discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and

Business Writing For Professionals With English As An Additional Language
Every language has its own set of rules and expectations about the ways to communicate in a business setting.

Communicating Effectively for Superior Service
Do you ever feel like you can’t keep up with the incoming requests from your customers? Do you sometimes have trouble resolving issues? Do you know when to say “no”?

Communicating Effectively In The Workplace
There is no doubt that, in today’s business environment, communicating effectively is an essential professional skill – a skill that can affect an individual’s image and success as well as that of

Creating Policies And Procedures
Readers frequently turn to policy and procedure documents to understand the internal processes of an organization or department.

Dealing With Difficult Situations
Sometimes workplace interactions can be difficult when a situation with an internal or external customer escalates.

Developing Effective Listening Skills
Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen impacts your job effectiveness and the quality of your relationships with others.

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional self-awareness is your ability to recognize how you’re feeling and why you’re feeling that way, and the impact your emotions have on your thoughts and actions about yourself and others.

Editing for Others
In workplaces today, most employees are required to write. And regardless of who they are and what they write, most of them want and need to write more effectively.

Effective Delegation
Is your inbox always full? Do you regularly work overtime just to keep up? Do you feel like there are tasks that only you can do?

Effective Written Communication (10-Week Online Program)
Written communication is essential in the workplace. Email alone accounts for a large percentage of our daily writing tasks.

Email...Think Before You Hit Send
Email is the workhorse of communication within and between organizations.

Everything DiSC Management
This interactive one-day workshop is designed to help managers build more effective relationships with their direct reports.

Facilitation In A Virtual Environment
Meetings, presentations and learning events are more frequently being offered in virtual environments where it can be challenging to keep groups focused and on track.

Facilitation Skills
Do you know the key processes and techniques to be a great facilitator? Designing and facilitating training sessions can be rewarding when you have the right tools.

Financial Analysis: What Are Your Financial Statements Telling You?
There are three primary financial statements of an organization: profit and loss statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements.

Influence and Collaboration
In the workplace, our actions, behaviours and opinions have the power to influence the actions of others.

Leading Successful Meetings
Meetings are at the heart of virtually everything we do in business—they are an essential component of any work environment.

Leading Successful Presentations
Effective presentation skills give us the ability to convey facts and information in a clear, concise and engaging way.

Mastering Your Time Management Skills
Have you ever asked, “What have I done today?” Do you start your day with high hopes of getting things done and then leave work feeling as if you didn’t accomplish anything?

MBTI Leader Communication
The MBTI Leader Communication virtual workshop explores the links between psychological type and leader communication.

People Insights With DiSC
Throughout life, each of us develops a distinct way of thinking, feeling and acting—your behavioural style.

Performance Development & Learning
When addressing individual and team performance, a typical approach is to identify training needs, develop or select a training program and other structured learning experiences, then evaluate at t

Phone Etiquette
Phone etiquette is an important skillset used in the workplace.

POWER Writing
Language is our system for transporting ideas – for communicating our thoughts to others. But it’s only a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Pricing through the Supply Chain
Supply chain management is the management of the flow of materials, information and finances as they move in a process from supplier to consumer.

Providing Effective Feedback
Being able to give feedback fairly and clearly is one of the most powerful tools you can use to support and develop your team so that they can learn, grow and become their best selves.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service
Excellence in customer service happens when you identify with your customers’ needs, help achieve their desired outcomes and ensure they leave their experiences in a positive way.

Report Writing At Its Best
Many people find report writing to be particularly challenging. They have too much information to include, and don’t know how to organize and present it.

Session Design
Do you design workshops, facilitated sessions, meetings, consultations or educational marketing events? No matter what type of session it is, design is a key factor in its success.

Solving The Grammar Dilemma
Mistakes in grammar and usage undermine the readability of a document. Readers can become so focused on the errors that they lose their concentration on the message.

Spark New Ideas And Fuel Results
Do you sometimes feel like you’re in a bit of a rut using the same ideas year after year? Do you know what works well and what doesn’t?

Speaking Up And Thriving At Work
Do you ever wonder why some people seem to be so natural when speaking? Or why they have no troubles confidently expressing their ideas or asking questions? Well, you can too.

Tackling Those Technical Documents
Technical writing is a form of communication that conveys a particular piece of information to a particular audience for a particular purpose.

Teambuilding With DiSC
Having a productive and cohesive team is vital to the success of a growing and profitable organization. This workshop is designed to energize and engage managers and their direct reports to develop

The Plain Language Approach To Writing
Plain language is an approach to writing that focuses on presenting information that is easy to read and understand.

Virtual Trainer Certificate Program
Right now, many of us are being tasked with moving our training to a web-based delivery format.

Working Capital Management
Have you ever wondered why, if the business is making money, is there still no money in the bank?

Writing Briefing Notes That Inform
Create a document that is comprehensive, well-organized and easy to follow so readers can work through it effectively, without the need for clarification and without confusion.
Writing Customer Service Letters
The ultimate "front line" of customer service is the letters customers receive—whether these letters are simply giving information or responding to questions or complaints.

Writing Effective Minutes
When someone asks you to take minutes at a meeting, do you cringe and ask, "Why me?" Do you write furiously during a discussion and then scratch your head to make sense of what you wrote after the

Writing Effective Reports and Proposals
Does the writer’s knot in your stomach tighten when you’re asked to write a proposal or report?

Writing For Academic And Research Purposes
This virtual workshop will help you sharpen your reading, researching and writing skills to help you succeed in an academic and research setting.

Writing For Impact And Results
Here are some questions frequently asked by business writers who recognize the potential power behind their communication.

Writing For The Web
Do you want to create website content that speaks to your readers? Do you know how to make sure you are achieving the goals of your website?

Writing Proposals That Win Business
When it comes to proposals, business is often won or lost based on the writer's ability to win the confidence of the reader.

Writing Treasury Board Submissions
Writing treasury board and cabinet submissions can be seen as an overwhelming task by government personnel who are required to write them.