Writing Skills

Effective writing skills help you communicate clearly and quickly in the workplace and reduce the time required for clarification or questions.
Why Pencil Editing is Important

To ensure correctness in your writing, pencil editing is one of the best things you can do. Pencil editing is a proofreading technique. To do it, touch and speak each word when you edit your documents.

Here's a great example of why pencil…

Plain language doesn’t mean dumbing down

Many people believe that plain language equals simplifying the language to a very low level. This is untrue. Plain language means using language and formatting that allows the reader to get the message after one read because the document is clear…

Why wine can’t compliment a meal!

Why not you ask? Because if your wine compliments the meal, it means that your wine is praising your meal!

Be aware of the spelling of these two words: complement and compliment. The meanings of these two words…

Go ahead and start a sentence with the word “because”!

Hands up everyone who was taught that you can’t start a sentence with the word because.  Ah, thought so – many of you were taught that “rule”.

The most used and respected style guides support the use of because at the…